Thursday, April 30, 2009

Our Visit To Anzac Park

When we visited Anzac Park I decided to keep my memories of this visit.

Visiting National Heritage House

We visited the National Heritage Houses to see how people lived 100 years ago. The houses looked very old. This is a picture of one of some of the things that they used in the olden days.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The end of Term 1 2009

In term one I learnt all about different Australian and Townsville culture. I learnt that you need to make new friends and let people in the game that you're playing. I would like to improve my typing and type quicker and improve my accuracy in typing. I have enjoyed P.A because we learnt some new poems. I found P.E difficult at first but I came through pretty well in the end. I found our hat competition very interesting. I found that Indonesion is a really fun language to learn.